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Obanzai (Kyoto's Domestic Dish)

what is Obanzai (Kyoto's Domestic Dish)

Obanzai is everyday dish of Kyoto in Japanese with Kyoto dialect. Normal Japanese it says as “Souzai”.

KyotoSide dish obanzai

In the traditional Kyoto cuisine, Obanzai points home cooked dish, so a cook who studied about Kyoto cuisine made such as beautiful and complicated is not an Obanzai.
Generally, the taste of Kyoto is lightly flavored as same as Kyoto cuisine. The basic mind of the dish is to make the most of the materials opportunity. Even soy source are lighter taste, sometimes soy source are transparency.
Of course, there are richly flavored dishes but those are exception. The popular material in Kyoto for a dish is vegetables, beans, and seafood. The meat was expensive material for domestic usage. Broiled fish was normal in Kyoto as same as other area but as Kyoto is far from the sea, the seafood was processed with some way not to go bad.

Actual Obanzai As Obanzai has healthy impression, there are many recent restaurants focuses on to Obanzai on their menu. But ordinal small restaurants even not showing Obanzai on their menu, serve Obanzai in the majority of the cases.

Kyoto Custom and Obanzai (Kyoto's Domestic Dish)

The characteristic of Obanzai is affected by Zen and Buddhism. It prepares with seasonal material and not bountiful with the amount can be finish in the day. Obanzai is super efficient and effective recipe not to use time, manpower and money. That was normal before the spread of refrigerator. Generally, the people live with simplicity. And a good day, prepares something using time. And when somebody has come, have food delivered from a restaurant. This way is easier, faster and economic, what’s more it not necessary to show up embarrassing dish of the house. People still think so and the mind is really different from other preferences.

Obanzai in Kyotocustom gourmet

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