Kyoto Gallery

I introduce Kyoto with a beautiful photograph.


Kodai-ji Autumn


Komyoji is the head temple of the Seizan branch of Jodo-shu Buddhism, located in Nagaokakyo City, Kyoto Prefecture. The temple is known as the place where Honen Shonin taught people to practice nembutsu (a Buddhist prayer with visualizing the Buddha and his blessings and reciting his name aloud). The temple is also famous for its beautiful autumn leaves.


Myoshinji is a temple located in Hanazono, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City. Within the temple's precinct, many sub-temples re-built in the early modern period line up, constituting grand scenery. The temple has a vast area with plenty of natural environment, covering 12 towns in the northwestern part of Heian-kyo. So it is called "the Imperial Palace of the West" and popular among Kyoto citizens.


Koto-in is a temple located in Murasakino, Kita Ward, Kyoto City. The temple is one of the sub-temples of Daitokuji, a head temple of the Rinzai Zen Buddhism. The founder of the temple was Hosokawa Tadaoki (Sansai), a renowned warrior with excellent battle management skills in the Age of Civil Wars. Tadaoki was also one of the disciples of Sen no Rikyu, the most influential master of chanoyu (The Japanese Way of Tea). Therefore a tea ceremony room was set up in Koto-in.


Kodaiji is a temple of the Zen Sect, whose principal object of worship is Shaka Nyorai (Shakyamuni), located in Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City. The temple was built in order to pray for the repose of the soul of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the ruler of the Age of Civil Wars, by his legel wife, Kitano-Mandokoro. The temple enshrines Hideyoshi and Kitano-Mandokoro.


Located in Kiyomizu, Higashiya Ward, Kyoto City, Kiyomizu Temple is one of the few temples in Kyoto which were built before the transfer of the capital to Heian-kyo. Kiyomizu Temple is one of the most popular tourist spots in Kyoto along with Kinkaku Temple and Arashiyama. Many tourists pay a visit to Kiyomizu Temple regardless of the season.


Kamigamo-jinja & Shimogamo-jinja Shrine, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is located in the northern area of Kyoto City.Build in the ancient times, it is believed one of the oldest shrines in Kyoto. Aoi Festival, which was the most prestigious festival in Kyoto with a long history, is hosted by Shimogamo-jinja Shrine. In mid May you can view Aoi Festival parade of people wearing traditional costumes from the Imperial Palace to Kamigamo Shrine.

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